Sunday midnight, June 12/13
Slam poetry event
Hosts: Xhabir M. Deralla and Antoine Le Roux
Monday, June 13
11:30-12:30 | Press conference Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence in the Republic of Macedonia 2011 Presentation: Xhabir M. Deralla, President of Civil Club Menada, Skopje Old Town |
14:00-16:00 | Civil Coffee Time Citizens and NGO activists are welcomed to the premises of Civil to discuss on arms control issues in the country and the world |
Tuesday, June 14
11:30-13:30 | Civil INFO Stand Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence in the Republic of Macedonia 2011 Square Macedonia, Skopje |
14:00-16:00 | Civil Coffee Time Citizens and NGO activists are welcomed to the premises of Civil to discuss on arms control issues in the country and the world |
Wednesday, June 15
13:00-15:00 | Panel discussion GUN CULTURE AMONGST YOUTH AND HOW TO PREVENT IT Participants: representatives of Civil, MoI, OSCE, teachers, NGOs, media Moderator: Xhabir M. Deralla, President of Civil Club of the Citizens of European Macedonia (GEM), Skopje Old Town |
14:00-16:00 | Civil Coffee Time Citizens and NGO activists are welcomed to the premises of Civil to discuss on arms control issues in the country and the world |
Thursday, June 16
13:00-14:30 | Lecture GUN CULTURE AND ARMS CONTROL Co-organized by the Primary School “Marko Cepenkov” and the Municipality of Zelenikovo, Skopje Participants: representatives of Civil, local government, school authorities, MoI, OSCE, teachers, council of parents, NGOs, media Lecturers: Xhabir M. Deralla, President of Civil and a representative of the MOI Conference Hall, Municipality of Zelenikovo |
14:30-15:30 | Reception Hosted by the Municipality of Zelenikovo and OSCE Mission to Skopje |
22:00-01:00 | DJ XhaD Club Menada, Skopje Old Town |
Friday, June 17
11:30-13:30 | Civil INFO Stand Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence in the Republic of Macedonia 2011 Square Macedonia, Skopje |
14:00-16:00 | Civil Coffee Time Citizens and NGO activists are welcomed to the premises of Civil to discuss on arms control issues in the country and the world |
20:30-22:00 | My First Shot (produced by BICC and Civil, 2004) Screening and discussions Club of the Citizens of European Macedonia (GEM), Skopje Old Town |
Saturday, June 18
11:30-13:30 | Civil INFO Stand Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence in the Republic of Macedonia 2011 Square Macedonia, Skopje |
14:00-16:00 | Civil Coffee Time Citizens and NGO activists are welcomed to the premises of Civil to discuss on arms control issues in the country and the world |
Sunday, June 19
11:30-13:30 | Civil INFO Stand Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence in the Republic of Macedonia 2011 Square Macedonia, Skopje |
14:00-16:00 | Evaluation meeting Civil premises |
The program of activities for the Week of Action is usually kept open to ideas and initiatives that may come from the project team, members, activists, and citizens.
Civil has designed and produced badges, message cards, banner, and a large quantity of informative handouts in Macedonian, Albanian and English language that will be disseminated throughout the Week of Action and beyond.
Also click at:
The Annual Program of Civil is supported by the Civica Mobilitas Programme, which is implemented by the Center for Institutional Development (CIRa), and financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence in the Republic of Macedonia is financially supported by the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA,
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